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FCG International Award to a Human Trajectory 2002: 

Guillermo Luca deTena y Brunet

The jury of the FCGInternational Award to a Human Trajectory and a meeting in and composed of thefollowing distinct personalities: Mr. José Antonio Zarzalejos; Mr. Juan VelardeFuertes; Mr. Alejandro Royo-Villanova; Mr. Alejandro Fernández Pombo; Mr.Vicente Díez García, under the presidency of Mr. Juan Velarde Fuertes, with Mr.Vicente Díez García acting as secretary, decided by unanimous vote to award theFCG international Prize to a human trajectory to: GUILLERMO LUCA DE TENA YBRUNET. The jury considered that the award winner deserved in this Prizebecause of his professional and personal merits during a long trajectory which,together with loyalty to his principles and his dedication to the journalistfoundation, contribution to the establishment of freedom in Spain, to restoringthe Parliamentary Monarchy and to the prestige and honour of our country'spress.

Guillermo Luca deTena y Brunet

R.I.P., a character in the history of Spain, history of the Spanishculture and journalism. Deceased in 2010.

Guillermo Luca deTena y Brunet, President of Honour and President of the Board of Founders ofSpanish Press, editor of ABC Newspaper and BLANCO Y NEGRO, was born in Madridin the eighth of June 1927.


He is the grandsonof Mr. Torcuato Luca de Tena y Álvarez Osorio, founder of ABC Newspaper andBLANCO y NEGRO, and son of the journalist, writer and academic, Mr.. JuanIgnacio Luca de Tena.  His first few years of schooling were in France andthen he moved to Santander where he studied secondary education during theSpanish Civil War.  He then moved Madrid where he finished his secondaryeducation in the Pilar School and later graduated in law from the ComplutenseUniversity and received a diploma in journalism from the Official School inMadrid.  He later moved to Great Britain to study English as well asFrench and German.


He started hiscareer in the world of journalism in 1952 in Prensa Española and workedfor the ABC newspaper in Seville, first as its manager [1953-1957] and later asthe editor of the newspaper [1957-1962].  That year he was appointed tothe board of directors of Prensa Española and he had to move toMadrid.  Later that same year he was named editor of Blanco y Negro,a position he occupied until March 1975.  During this period of time hewas elected, in February 1972, President of the Board of the Directors ofPrensa Española, S.A., as well as President of the Executive Commission of thecompany.  He was the first president in Spain of the International PressInstitute (IPI).


Between 1966 in1969 he was a member of a Private Council and of the Political Council of Mr.Juan de Borbon, Count of Barcelona and, in June 1977, he was appointed a RoyalSenator in the Constituting Houses [1977-1979].  In October 1977 he tookcharge of ABC Newspaper and he was its head until January 1983 when the boardof directors all Prensa Española and its board of founders appointed himPresident-Publisher of Prensa Española, S.A.


In May 1993 he wasone of those who signed the Madrid Declaration in Defence of the Freedom ofExpression.  In September 1998 he announced his retirement from thepositions of President and Publisher all of Prensa Española.  His daughterCatalina took over from him as publisher and his nephew NemesioFernández-Cuesta y Luca de Tena took over as President. Guillermo Luca de Tenawas then named President of Honour of Prensa Española and President ofthe Board all of Founders of Prensa Española.


He was awarded the“Carabela de Plata” Prize in February 1980 by the Iber-American Association ofjournalist's.  In January 1999 and the Madrid Press Association alsoawarded him with the “Marceliano Santamaría” Prize. He is the author of thebook entitled “El papel de la prensa en la consolidación de la Democracia” [TheRole of the Press in the Consolidation of Democracy] (1980).


He is a member ofthe patronage all of the Reales Alcázares of Seville and the Prince ofAsturias Foundation.  He is married to Soledad Garcia-Conde Tartiere hastwo daughters: Catalina and Soledad, both of whom are vice presidents of ABCnewspaper S. L. and members of the board of directors all of GrupoCorreo-Prensa Española.