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FCG International Science and Research Award 2002: Juan José López-Ibor Aliño

The Jury of the FCGInternational Science and Research Award, in a meeting in Valladolid andcomposed of the distinguished personalities: Mr.. Francisco José Flórez Tascón,Mr. José Luis Carreras Delgado, Mr. Juan Antonio González González, Mr. AlbertoGómez Alonso and Mr. Rodrigo Gutiérrez, under the chairmanship of Mr. FranciscoJosé Flórez Tascón, with Mr. José Luis Carreras Delgado acting as secretary,decided unanimously to award the FCG International Science and Research Prizeto JUAN JOSÉ LÓPEZ-IBOR ALIÑO. He was awarded the prize for the transcendenceof his contribution to the Science and Research of the biological bases ofmodern psychiatry, especially genetics and neurobiology and in the explosion ofemotion in reason.

Juan JoséLópez-Ibor Aliño


He was born inMadrid on 17 December 1941 and is the father of four children


Current positions:

- PsychiatryProfessor and Head of the Psychiatric Ward of the Hospital Universitario SanCarlos , which belongs to the Universidad Complutense.

- Director of theWHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Spain (with itsheadquarters in Hospital Universitario San Carlos).

- NumberedAcademic of the National Academy of Medicine.

- Academic of theRoyal Academy of Medicine of Zaragoza.

- Member of theNational Psychiatry Commission.

- Advisor(Temporary Adviser) of the World Health Organisation. Member of the Task Forcefor the 10th edition of the International Classification of Illnesses of theWHO. Director of the Coordinating Centre for Studies in the Spanish languagefor the Classification. Director of the Task Force for the revision of ICI-10,Chapter F.

- Member of theEuropean Commission Task Force for the Decade of Research on the Brain.

- Graduate andDoctor of Medicine of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (He receivedSpecial Mentions in 26 subjects y a First Class Honours in the remainingsubjects). He received the Extraordinary Prize for Undergraduate Students andalso the Extraordinary Prize for Doctorate Students. He specialised inNeurology and Psychiatry. He completed his Psychiatry training in FrankfurtUniversity (Germany) and in Maudsley and Saint Batholomew Hospitals (London)and in Rives de Prangins Hospital (Switzerland).


He has worked asAssociate Professor of Psychiatry in the Universidad Complutense, CollageLecturer in Oviedo University, Psychiatry Professor in Salamanca University andin the University of Alcalá de Henares as well as Head of the Psychiatry wardin the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid.


He is also anauthor and, alone or in collaboration with others, has written 14 books and 92articles en books by other authors. He has published over 215 articles inscientific magazines (most of them foreign magazines) and has given over 600lectures and talks in scientific conferences and meetings.


He is President ofthe World Psychiatry Association (which has a membership of over 120,000psychiatrists the world over) and was Secretary General of the WPS during theperiod from 1986-1996 and President Elect (1996-1999).  He is President ofthe PTD Committee, founding member and member of the Executive Committee of theEuropean College of Neuropsychopharmacology. He was also President ofthe International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, of the SpanishSociety for Biological Psychiatry and is an Honorary Fellow of the RoyalCollege of Psychiatrists, of the American Psychiatric Association,of the Deutsche Gesselschaft für Psychiatrie, of the CollegiumInternationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum, member of honour of the SocietéMedico-Psychologique, of the Societá Italiana di Psichiatria, of theEgyptian Psychiatric Association and of the Sociedad Chilena deNeurología, Neurocirugía y Psiquiatría as well as a member ofseveral others (The Society of Clinical Psychiatrists, Arbeitsgemeinschaftfür Neuropsychopharmakologie und Psychiatrie (A.G.N.P.), International Societyof Psychoneuroendocrinology, Society for Liaison Psychiatry, American Societyof Psychosomatic Medicine, International Council on OCD and Related Disorders, etc.).


He is the Editorand member of the Editorial Committee of several Scientific Reviews (ActasLuso-Españolas de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Ciencias Afines,Comprehensive Psychiatry, Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten,Integrative Psychiatry, General Hospital Psychiatry, Journal ofPsychopharmacology, European Psychiatry, European Neuropsychopharmacology,Human Psychopharmacology, Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research,Neuropsychobiology,...). He was President of the Organising Committee ofthe X World Psychiatry Congress of the WPS (23-28 August 1996, Madrid),President of the Scientific Committee of the XI World Psychiatry Congress ofthe WPS (6-11 August 1999, Hamburg).


In January 1998 hewas awarded the Civil Health Order with the category of “Encomienda” with acommemorative inscription.