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FCG International Science and Research Award 2004: Margarita Salas Falgueras
For “her exceptional contribution to Genetic and Molecular Biology, her pioneering work with virus and industrial influence that has led to the attainment of patents that are of a great social service. Besides the strictly scientific work, her work as the President of the Institute of Spain and as a Member of the Royal Spanish Academy in the incorporation of scientific lexicon to the dictionaries of the language, are outstanding.The intellectual stature, the scientific commitment and the human dimension of Dr. Salas make her an example for future generations, because of the different areas of integration of knowledge of achievements of immense human value”.
According to the jury that met in Valladolid on June 25, 2004, chaired by, Dra. Regina Revilla Pedreira, Director of External Relations and Communication of MSD and made up by the following members: Ms. Catalina Luca de Tena y García Conde, President-editor of the Daily publication ABC; Dr. Camilo José Cela Conde, Doctor of Philosophy of the University of the Balearic Islands; Dr. Tomás Girbés Juan, Doctor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Valladolid and Award winner of the Castile and Leon Award in Science and Research and Dr. Antonio Gil Verona, Doctor of Human Anatomy of the University of Valladolid, and secretary of the Spanish League against Epilepsy and the director of the Science Museum of Valladolid.
Margarita Salas Falgueras - Biography
Margarita Salas Falgueras was born in Canero, Oviedo (Asturias) on November 30, 1938. She received her Doctor of Science in 1963 by the University Complutense of Madrid. Her Post-Doctorate work was (1964-1967) in the Department of Biochemistry in the University of New York (Director: Severo Ochoa).
She served as a Professor of Molecular Genetics in the Chemistry Faculty of the Compultense University (1968-1992). She has served as a Professor in Research since 1974 in the Center of Molecular Biology “Severo Ochoa” (CSIC-UAM) and Chief of the line “Replication and Transcription of DNA of the bacteriofago ø29”.
Her Awards and Merits include.
Ferrer Foundation Severo Ochoa Award in Research (1986), Carlos J. Finlay of UNESCO (1991), King Jaime I Award for Research (1994), Medal of the Principality of Asturias (1997), Grupo Correo Award for Human Values (1998), Research Award of the Community of Madrid (1998), Mexico Award for Science and Technology (1998), Medal from the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1999), Helena Rubinstein-UNESCO Award “Woman in Science” (1999), Santiago Ramón y Cajal National Award in Research (1999), Independent Foundation Award for Universal Spanish Woman (2000), Gold Medal of the Community of Madrid (2002), Named Doctor Honoris Causa by the following Universities: Oviedo (1996), Technical College of Madrid (2000), Extremadura (2002), Murcia (2003), and Cádiz (2004), Great Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X el Sabio (2003).
She is a member of the following: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, since 1983), Acadenia Europaea (since 1988), American Academy of Microbiology (since 1996) and European Academy of Science and Arts (since 1997). She was the President of the Spanish Institute (1995-2003) and holds the seat in the Spanish Royal Academy of “i”.
Her scientific activity has been published in more than 300 magazines and international books. She has led 28 Doctoral Thesis.
Scientific Merits
Leonardo Torres Quevedo Award (1963).
Santiago Ramón y Cajal Award (1973).
Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) (1980- ).
Member of the American Society for Virology (1983- ).
Member of the Editorial Council for the magazine Journal of Biotechnology (1984- ).
Ferrer Foundation Severo Ochoa for Research Award (1986).
Member of the Royal Academy of Exact Sciences, Physics and Natural Sciences (1988- ).
Member of the Acadenia Europeae (1988- ).
Member of the Consulting Committee of the Autonomous University of Madrid (1989- ).
Member of UNESCO International Network for Molecular and Cellular Biology (1989- ).
Member of the Evaluation Commission of Projects for the European Economic Community in the Program “Community Stimulation Action” (1989- ).
Member of the Editorial Council of the magazine FASEB Journal (1989- ).
Carlos J. Finlay Award of UNESCO (1991).
Member of the Commission to Evaluate Projects of Human Frontier Science Program Organization (1992- ).
Member of the Editorial Council of the magazine Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler (1993- ).
Member of the Inter-American Medical and Health Association. USA (1993- ).
Editor of FEMS Microbiological Reviews (1994- )
President of the Institute of Spain (1995- ).
Honorary President of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Asturias and Leon (1996- ).
Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Oviedo (1996).
Member of the Board of the Cervantes Institute (1996- ).
Member of the American Academy of Microbiology (1996- ).
Member of the Editorial Committee Advisor of the Encyclopedia of Virology (1996- ).
Member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Molecular Microbiology (1997- ).
Member of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1997- ).
Medal of the Principality of Asturias (1997).
Medal of Honor for the Promotion of Invention of the García Cabrerizo Foundation (1997).
Member of the Advisory Commission for Scientific Studies of Health and Life, University Pompeu Fabra (1997- ).
Member of the Scientiarium Academy et Artium Europeae (1997- ).
Grupo Correos of Communication Award for Human Values (1998).
Member of the Scientific Council of the Institut D’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) (1998- ).
Research Award of the Community of Madrid (1998).
Mexico Award of Science and Technology (1998).
Charter 100 Heroine Award 98 (1998).
Member of the Scientific Group Advisor of the Biotechnical Center of the University of Oslo (1998- ).
Honorary Member of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1999- ).
Honor by the Health Sciences in Virology Foundation (1999).
L’Oreal-UNESCO Award for “Women in Science” (1999).
National Award in Research of Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1999).
Doctor Honoris Causa by the Technical University of Madrid (2000).
Member of the Spanish Royal Academy (2001- ).
Gold Medal from the Community of Madrid (2002).
Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Extremadura (2002).
Member of the Honorary Committee for the Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Constitution (2003).
Medal of Honor of the International University Menéndez y Pelayo (2003).
Doctor Honoris Causas by the University of Murcia (2003).
Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Cádiz (2004).
Great Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X el Sabio (2003).