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FCG International Lifetime Achievement Award 2005: EDUARDO GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA
“Exceptional jurist, whose personal and intellectual trajectory notably influenced the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and, particularly, the recognition and guarantee of the fundamental rights of the citizen by the Public Administration”. According to the jury that met in Valladolid on July 26, 2005, chaired by Mr. Carlos Escudero de Burón y González, President of the Carlos III Foundation; and made up by the following members: Mr. Antonio Méndez Pozo, Editor of the Diario de Burgos newspaper, President of Grupo Promecal and President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industruy of Burgos; Mr. Benigno Pendás García, Political Theory Professor at the Universidad Complutense; Mr. Enrique Ybarra Ybarra, President of the Vocento Foundation.
- Lawyer of the Spanish Council of Satte in 1947.
- Practising Lawyer since 1952.
- Professor of Administrative Law since 1957.
- Professor Emeritus of the Law Faculty at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid.
- First Spanish Judge of the European Court of Human Rights 1978-1986.
- Editor of the "Revista de Administración Pública" and "Revista Española de Derecho Administrativo" since their creation (1950 and 1974, respectively).
- President of the Editing Council of "Revista Española de Derecho Europeo"
- President of teh Spanish Association for the Study of European Law. He was President of the International Federation of European Law, 1990-92.
- He was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for the Social Sciences, 1984
- He received a Doctor "honoris causa" from the Universities of París I-Sorbona, Bologne and another seventeen national and foreign universities (including that of Cantabria).
- He is a member of the Academic Council of the European Law Research center at the University of Harvard.
- He is a numbered member of the Ryal Spanish Academies of Language and Jurisprudence and Legislation.
- He was awarded the "Alexis de Tocqueville" Prize of the European Public Administration Institute at Maastricht, 1999
- He was awarded the Great Cross of the Order of San Raimundo de Peñafort, Spanish of Justice, 2003
- In 2003, the Faculty of Law at the University of Florence dedicated a Seminal to him in the series "Protagonists of the European Jurist Culture ", with the participation of jurists from three countries who analysed his work.
- He is a foreign member of the "Academia Nazionale dei Lincei", Italy, November 2004.
He is the author of some thirty books, among which we can highlight his Administrative Law Course, in 2 volumes, in collaboration with Tomás R. Fernández (latest edition, 2004), a piece that has been translarted into Italian, 1983, into Portuguese, in São Paulo, 1991 (a general Law work written in Spanish that has been translated into other languages). In 2005, two editions were published in South America (Buenos Aires and Lima-Bogotá) with notes on their respective national laws by jurists of the three countries. Other works of his have also been translated into other languages. More tahn 400 of his articles have been published in national and foreign journals. Some litrerary publications (such as Liébana, land to return, 2nd edition, 2000). He has been a member of the Royal Spanish Academy since 1994, and of that of Jurisprudence and Legislation since 1970.
He has been a member of several Expert Committees to study and draft the reports of the European Community and the European Union, including the Project of the Creation of the European Parliament in 1994 and the "Report of the Expert Committee " on social rights in the EU, 1996.