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FCG International Restoration and Conservation Award 2005: PININ BRAMBILLA
“For her extended activity in the conservation and restoration of the Artistic Heritage of uncalculable value and universal projection, especially in fresco paintings, on cloth and board, as well as in teaching and the promotion of art the world over. She has dedicated her life to working on pieces by outstanding creators of the importance of Tiziano, Mantegna, Caravaggio, Tiepolo as well as a long list of others. Among her interventions we can highlight that on “The Last Supper”, by Leonardo da Vinci, in Milan, or her collaboration on the “Cappella degli Scrovegni” by Giotto, in Padua”, according to the jury that met in Valladolid on July 22, 2005, chaired by Mr. Francisco Javier León de la Riva, Mayor of Valladolid; and made up by the following members: Dr. Salvador Andrés Ordax, History of Art Professor at the University of Valladolid (Spain); Mr. Miguel Ángel Cortés Martín, Deputy Spokesman of the Partido Popular parliamentary group in the Spanish Congress, and Ex-Secretary of State for International and Iber-American Cooperation; Mr. Manuel Erice Oronoz, National news Editor of ABC Newspaper; Mr. Ubaldo Sedano Espín, Restoration Director of the Thyssen Museum.
She has worked for many years on the conservation and restoration of Italian artistic heritage. Her work is carried out both for public as well as private entities and they also request her to undertake cycles on fresco, paintings on canvass and on boards.
She has undertaken work in Lombardia, Venice, Piamonte, Liguria and, above all, public entities have been the ones to demand her work and have requested her to undertake specific projects (Ministry of Cultural Objects, Regional Entities, City Councils, Provincial Authorities...).
Names such as Piero della Francesca, Pollaiolo, Filippino Lippi, Crivelli, Mantegna, Lorenzo Lotto, Gentile Bellini, Bronzino Caravaggio, Tiziano, Tiepolo, Giotto, Masolino, along with several other works of modern and contemporary art, among them those of Lucio Fontana Monray, evoke the excellence of Italian painting, suggesting the dedication of those who are called to undertake interventions on them.
Her experience has been extended thanks to the work carried out on Leonardo’s The Last Super in the Convent of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan and the collaboration on the restoration of Giotto in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padova.
She is currently working on the frescos of Masolino da Panicale in the Castiglione Olona Baptistry and on the arches of the collegiate church, while at the same time undertaking work on the upper medievel frescos of Oleggio: the frescos of 1400 by Giuochi Borromeo.
She has also started to select a sample of medievel frescos in the Catalan Art Museum in Barcelona.
Several of her restoration works have been carried out in commitance with exhibitions organised by the Milan City Council (Collezione Boschi, Mosè Bianchi, Hayez, “Cà Granda”, Tiziano, Arte Lombarda dal Gotico al Rinascimento).
Pinnin Brambilla Barcilon recognises the importance of offering the public the studies and analysis made during the restoration work and she therefore happily and regularly contributes to seminars, conferences, communications and reportsin the main universities and cultural centres in Washington, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Basil, and Chicago, among others.
Experienced in solving complicated problems, it is known that she is called from abroad (Barcelona, Andorra, Paris, Lausanne and Monacco) by other scholars and colleagues, she offers them all her knowledge.
She has also undertaken the drafting of specific files on problems in the conservation of cultural objects.
She is also the co-author of many volumes: “Ciborio della Basilica di Sant.Ambrogio in Milano” 1981 (Credito Italiano) - Lorenzo Lotto a Bergamo - Facciate dipinte a Genova (Sagep) - Gian Pietrino e una copia Cinquecentesca dell’Ultima Cena 1988 (Olivetti) - Il ‘300 a Como (Assessorato della Cultura) - Giotto e Visconti (Rotary Club) - Il Restauro della Cappella di Sant’Antonio nel Duomo di Monza (Soroptimist) - Gli affreschi di Manta 1992 (Olivetti); mentre il suo particolare interesse per i gravi problemi inerenti l’Ultima Cena si evidenzia in testi monografici: il Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci in Santa Maria delle Grazie - Storia, condizioni e problemi (Olivetti) - Le lunette di Leonardo nel Refettorio di Santa Maria delle Grazie (Olivetti) - “Pittura Italiana dal ‘300 al ‘500” - Integrazioni rifacimenti manomissioni: il fascino ambiguo del restauro 1992 (G.Mondadori) - L’Ultima Cena di Leonardo da Vinci 1999 (Electa).