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FCG International Thought and Research 2007: SLAVOJ ZIZEK
Due to the originality and intellectual potential of his work, that combines the great philosophical western tradition and constant attention to the cultures of our time. According to the jury that met in Valladolid on July 6, 2007, chaired by: Mr. Demetrio Madrid López, First President of the Junta de Castilla y León [Castilla León Regional Government] and Councillor of the Consultative Council, and made up by the following members: Mr. Juan Barja de Quiroga Losada, Director of the Fine Arts Circle; Mr. Alexander I. Kuznetsov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Spain; Mr. Alejandro Royo-Villanova Payá, President of El Norte de Castilla Newspaper; Mr. Enrique Ybarra Ybarra, President of Fundación Vocento.
SLAVOJ ZIZEK - Biography
1949 – born on March 21 in Ljubljana, Slovenia
1979 - researcher at the Institute for sociology and philosophy, University of Ljubljana (from 1992 Institute for Social Sciences, Faculty for Social Sciences)
1981 - Doctor of Arts (philosophy) at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana
1985 – Doctor of Arts (psychonalysis) at the Universite Paris-VIII
2000-2002 - directing a research project “Antinomies of the Postmodern Reason” at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen
2002 - Senior Researcher at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana
2005 - Doctor Causa Honoris at the University of Cordoba, Argentina
2005 - Co-Director at the International Center for Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London.
Born on March 21, 1949, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Bachelor of Arts (philosophy and sociology, 1971), Master of Arts (philosophy, 1975), and Doctor of Arts (philosophy, 1981) at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana. Doctor of Arts (psychoanalysis, 1985) at the Universite Paris-VIII. Doctor Causa Honoris at the University of Cordoba, Argentina (2005).
From 2002 Senior Researcher at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana. From 1979 till 2001 researcher at the Institute for sociology and philosophy, University of Ljubljana (from 1992 Institute for Social Sciences, Faculty for Social Sciences). From 2002 Senior Researcher at the Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana. From 2005 Co-Director at the International Center for Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London.
Visiting professor at the Department of Psychoanalysis, Universite Paris-VIII (1982-3 and 1985-6), at the Centre for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Art, SUNY Buffalo (1991-2), at the Department of Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1992), at the Tulane University, New Orleans (1993), at the Cardozo Law School, New York (1994) at the Columbia University, New York (1995), at the Princeton University (1996), at the New School for Social Research, New York (1997), at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1998), and at the Georgetown University, Washington (1999). 2000-2002 directing a research group at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen.
In the last 30 years participation at over 550 international philosophical, psychoanalytical and cultural-criticism symposiums in USA, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Netherland, Island, Austria, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Brasil, Argentina, Mexico, Israel, Romania, Hungary and Japan, Japan, Korea, China.
Founder and president of the Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, Ljubljana. Editor of the book series Shortcuts (with MIT Press), Wo es war (with Verso) and SIC (with Duke UP).
Politically active in the alternative movement in Slovenia during the 1980s; candidate for the presidency of the Republic of Slovenia in the first multi-party elections in 1990; Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia (1991).
In the last 20 years, the publication of 20 books in English which were translated into all main world languages (Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian). The main works are: THE SUBLIME OBJECT OF IDEOLOGY (1989), TARRYING WITH THE NEGATIVE (1993), THE PLAGUE OF FANTASIES (1997), THE TICKLISH SUBJECT (1999), THE FRAGILE ABSOLUTE (2000), THE PUPPET AND THE DWARF (2004), THE PARALLAX VIEW (2006).