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FCG Internacional Science and Research Award 2010:
“For their contributions to the knowledge of human evolution with an international reference project in the paleontology field result of many researchers from different Spanish Universities. The archaeological site of Atapuerca, which ensures the Spanish leadership in this scientific area for decades, is also an exceptional place where future generations of paleontologists are formed confirming the continuity and quality of this research project. The award-winning team has contributed to the knowledge and dissemination of the origins, habits and lifestyles of our ancestors, bringing to light the fossils that permit to identify a new species of hominids that over a million years lived in the Sierra of Atapuerca, Burgos”, the Jury bestowed EMILIANO AGUIRRE and THE THREE CO-DIRECTORS OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF ATAPUERCA with The Gabarron Foundation 2010 International Science and Research Award.
The Jury met in Valladolid, June 21, 2010 was composed of Mr. Alberto Aguirre de Cárcer, Editorial Director of la Verdad Grupo Multimedia; Mr. José Ballesta Germán, Medical Professor at Murcia’s University; Mr. Luis Jaramillo Guerreira, Director of COPE Castilla León; Mrs. Regina Revilla Pedreira, Director of External Relations and Communication of Merck, Sharp & Dohme; Mr. Alejandro Royo-Villanova Payá, President of “El Norte de Castilla”.
Emiliano Aguirre
Emiliano Aguirre Enriquez was born in Ferrol, La Coruña,in 1925. The most important contributuion of the Spanish Palaeontologist is the beginning of the study of Pleistocene deposits of the Sierra de Atapuerca, excavations that he supervised from 1978 until his retirement in 1990. He studied at the Ecclesiastical University of Alcalá (1944-1950), where he graduated with a BA in Humanities and Philosophy, Bachelor in Natural Sciences from the University of Madrid in 1955 and also in Theology from the University of Granada in 1959. Doctor in Biological Sciences (1966) and meber of The Society of Jesús.
He contributed as a Paleontologist in the Excavations of the Paleolithic sites of Torralba and Ambrona ( Soria, Spain 1961-1963). He became in 1963 Director of Excavations at the Paleolithic site of Budiño Las Gándaras (Porrino, Pontevedra, Spain). Assistant Professor of Geology at the School of Civil Engineering and Ports, Madrid (1965-66) Anthropology Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Peru and at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos of Lima (1967-1968); Head of the Bilogy Department for Medicine at the Universidad Atonoma Madrid (1969-1970), visiting professor of Vertebrate Paleontology and Humana at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1971-1974) and also Paleontology Professor at the Universities of Zaragoza (1977 - 1979) and Complutense of Madrid (1982-1984). CSIC Research Professor (1984-1990) and also Doctor linked to the CSIC since his retirement. Substitute Director of the National Museum of Natural Sciences (1985-1986) He also Works as editor and advisor for several journals specialized in Paleontology (1) as the Revista Española de Panteologia, published by the Spanish Society of Paleontology. Proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science, he takes part in the project CENIEH (National Research Centre on Human Evolution), the Center created in 2004 has the primary objective of carrying out research in the field of human evolution during the Pliocene and Pleistocene.
AWARDS AND MERITS • 1955 Accesit National Award Graduate of the Year • 1997 Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research • 1997 García-Cabrerizo Medal for Innovation in Science and Technology. • 1998 Castilla León Award in Social Sciences and Humanities • 17/12/1999 Gold Medal for Merit in Work2 • 2000 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of La Coruña, Spain. • 24/05/2000 Academic of the Royal Academy of Natural, Physical and Exact Sciences • 20/04/2007 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Burgos (Spain) Dedicated Fossil.
* check Press Office tab for full Resumes
JUAN LUIS ARSUAGA (1954, Madrid) BA and PhD in Biological Sciences from Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Director of the Center for Evolution and Human Behavior (Universidad Complutense de Madrid-Instituto de Salud Carlos III). Professor of Paleontology in the Department of Paleontology, Faculty of Geological Sciences at Universidad Complutense de Madrid . Research Team Member of the Pleistocene of the Sierra de Atapuerca Sites in 1982, and since 1991 Co-director of the Team that was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research 1997. Castilla y Leon award of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1997. National Geographer of the Year Award 2002 of the Spanish Geographical Society. City of Alcalá Award (World Heritage Site) 2003. Award Publishers Association 2008.
Author of numerous articles in major scientific journals in the world, both science in general as Nature, Science, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and in specific journals in the field of human evolution, as Journal of Human Evolution and American Journal of Physical Anthropology. He was Associate Editor of the Journal of Human Evolution. Author of numerous chapters in scientific books, some of which was also editor.
Author of books "The Neanderthal's Necklace," "The Chosen Species," "Amalur (Temas de Hoy)," The Riddle of the Sphinx "(Arete)," El Mundo de Atapuerca "(Plaza & Janes)," Across the Mist "(sum)," Atapuerca and Human Evolution "(Fundación Caixa de Catalunya)," The human saga "(Edaf)," My first book of Prehistory. When the world was a kid "(Espasa) and" The clock on Mr. Darwin "(Temas de Hoy). "The Chosen Species," "Amalur" and "The Neanderthal's Necklace" have been translated into English, and the last to many other languages. Also author of Atapuerca, a million years of history "(Publishers Plot-Universidad Complutense de Madrid) awarded as the best science book of 1998 by Maison des Sciences de La Coruña. Sent Soví Award Winner 2002 Gastronomic Literature for his book "The Aborigines. The food in human evolution, edited by RBA.
Invited to give presentations at international scientific congresses and conferences in some of the most important universities and research centers worldwide.
Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. International Scientific Committee Member of the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco. Steering committee member of the International Association for the Study of Human Paleontology. Vice President of the Fundación Atapuerca. Member of the Royal Academy of Doctors in Spain.
Date of birth: June 18, 1952 Research Professor for the CSIC Director of the National Research Centre on Human Evolution (CENIEH), Burgos (Spain) 1977 BA in Biology Universidad Complutense, Madrid 1985 PhD in Biological Sciences, Universidad Complutense of Madrid 1988 Professor of Paleontology at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid 1990 Associate Research for the C.S.I.C., the Higher Council for Scientific Research, with destination at the National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid (MNCN). 1998 Research Scientist of C.S.I.C. at the MNCN of Madrid. 1999 - Research Professor C.S.I.C., MNCN of Madrid. 2004 - Director of the National Research Centre on Human Evolution in Burgos. 2010 - Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Burgos. Since 1979 he has performed scientific research on Physical Anthropology of Prehistoric inhabitants in the Canary Islands in the Department of Palaeontology of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and also at the National Museum of Natural Sciences (Doctoral Thesis), and Paleobiology of hominids, with special attention in the study of deposits of human fossil in the Sierra de Atapuerca. In the field of Human Evolution, Bermudez de Castro focus his interest on dental unit: morphology, size and shape; phylogeny and systematics of hominids; growth and development, Paleoetologia, Sexual Dimorphism, Paleodemography, Paleopathology and Sociobiology. Author of over 160 scientific papers published in Spanish journals and other countries. These include, among others: The Journal of Human Evolution, Archives of Oral Biology and Nature (United Kingdom), L'Anthropologie (France), The Human Biology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Journal of Archaeological Science, Proc. Ntla. And Science Acad Sci (USA) Contemporary Anthropology and Human Evolution (Italy), Trabajos de Prehistoria, Estudios Geologicos, Revista Española de Paleontologia (Spain). In his scientific achievements is included the publication of a new specie of the genus Homo (H. antecessor) in the magazine Science (May 1997), and also the proposal of a new phylogeny of human evolution for the last two million years. He has been involved in numerous research projects and since 1991he has being the Principal Investigator for researching projects on the Pleistocene deposits of Atapuerca in the National Museum of Natural Sciences, CSIC. Since 1990 he is also co-director of the excavations of the Pleistocene deposits at the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos) and from 2002-2005 co-director of excavations at the site pleistocnoico of Pinilla del Valle (Madrid). His most valuable contributions to the popularization of science are the following: Scientific Commissioner of the exhibition “Atapuerca. Nuestros antecesores " at the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid and the Museo de Burgos. Scientific Commissioner exposition” Atapuerca: the First Europeans, Treasures of the Hills of Atapuerca” in the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Author of the script and text of the virtual exhibition "Atapuerca, el Observatorio de la Prehistoria” of the Instituto Cervantes. Author (or co-author) of popular books: “El chico de la Gran Dolina, en los orígenes de los humano”, Crítica, Barcelona; “Hijos de un tiempo perdido”, Crítica, Barcelona and “Atapuerca, Perdidos en la Colina”, Destino, Barcelona Finally, he has participated in several courses and seminars and he also delivered over 250 lectures in Spain and in other countries. Among the awards he received: 1997 Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research ; the "Social Sciences and Humanities" from the Community of Castilla León and also the award Alcalá de Henares, World Heritage City. He is Vice President of the Atapuerca Foundation and Member of the Medicine and Surgery Royal Academy of Galicia, Spain.
Eudald Carbonell (1953, Ribes de Freser, Gerona) Eudald Carbonell i Roura, an archaeologist, anthropologist and paleontologist, was born in Ribes de Freser, Gerona (Spain) on February 17, 1953. Educated in Gerona, Barcelona and Paris, he holds a PhD in Geology from the University Pierre et Marie Curie (1986) and also a PhD in History from the University of Barcelona (1988). He currently teaches at the Rovira i Virgili University and also supervises the excavations of the site of Atapuerca, with Bermudez de Castro and Juan Luis Arsuaga. He received ex aequo the 1997 Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research also with the rest team of researches from Atapuerca Archaeological Site. Carbonell also leads the site of Abric Romaní in Capellades, Barcelona.
On April 30, 2010 Carbonell was nominated Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Burgos. Among all his discoveries, stands out the one of Homo antecessor and also H. heidelbergensis well-preserved specimens. Popular Articles:
• Bermúdez de Castro, J.M. i Carbonell, E. (2004) Atapuerca. Perduts al Turó. Barcelona, Ed. Columna. • --- Atapuerca, perdidos en la colina: la historia humana y científica del equipo investigador, José María Bermúdez de Castro y Mauricio Antón, Destino, 2004, ISBN 84-233-3648-4, ISBN 978-84-233-3648-7 • Carbonell, E. i Bellmunt. C. (2003) Els Somnis de l’Evolució. National Geographic. RBA. • Carbonell, E. i Sala, R (2001) Encara no som humans. Barcelona: Editorial Empúries. • --- Aún no somos humanos: Propuestas de humanización para el tercer Milenio con R. Sala (R. Culí , Trad.), Península, 2002, ISBN 84-8307-428-1, ISBN 978-84-8307-428-2 • Carbonell, E. i Sala, R (2000) Planeta humà. Barcelona: Editorial Empúries. • Corbella, J.; Carbonell, E.; Moyà, S. i Sala, R. (2000) Sapiens. El largo camino de los homínidos hacia la inteligencia. Barcelona: Ediciones Península S.A.. • Llompart, J.; Wagensberg, J.; Salvador, E. i Carbonell, E. (2000) Seres i Estrellas. Barcelona, Ed. Plaza Janés. • Carbonell, E. i Mosquera, M. (2000) Las Claves del Pasado. La Llave del Futuro. Arola Editors. Tarragona. • Carbonell, E., X. P. Rodriguez, et al. (2000) Homínidos i Comportamiento complejo. Mundo Científico 208 (gener 2000). • Carbonell, E. et al. (1999) L'Homo antecessor i el seu medi natural. Com eren i com vivien els europeus més antics. Ciència i Cultura al llindar del segle XXI, Institut d'Estudis Catalans. • Cervera, J., Arsuaga, J.L., Bermúdez de Castro, J.M. & Carbonell, E. (1998) Atapuerca. Un millón de años de historia. Madrid: Plot Ediciones S.A. Specialized Biography:
• Carbonell, E., M. Mosquera, A. Ollé, X. P. Rodríguez Álvarez, M. Sahnouni, R. Sala, and J. M. Vergès. 2001. Structure morphotechnique de l'industrie lithique du Pléistocène inférieur et moyen d'Atapuerca (Burgos, Espagne). L'Anthropologie 105:259-280 • Aguirre, E. and E. Carbonell (2001). "Early human expansions on Eurasia: The Atapuerca evidence." Quaternary International 75: 11-8. • Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Carbonell, E & Arsuaga, J.L. (ed) (1999). Gran Dolina Site: TD6 Aurora Stratum (Burgos, Spain). J. of Human Evolution, 37: 309-700 • Arsuaga, J.L., Lorenzo, C., Carretero, J.M., Gracia, A., Martínez, I., García, N., Bermúdez de Castro, J.M. & Carbonell, E. (1999). A complete human pelvis from the Middle Pleistocene of Spain. Nature 399, 255-258. • Carbonell, E., M. Mosquera, et al. (1999). "Out of Africa: The Dispersal of the Earliest Technical Systems Reconsidered." J. of Anthropol. Archaeol. 18: 119-136. • Carbonell, E. & Vaquero, M. (1998). Behavioral Complexity and Biocultural Change in Europe Around Forty Thousand Years Ago. J. of Anthropol. Res. 54, 373-397. • Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Arsuaga, J.L., Carbonell, E., Rosas, A., Martínez, I. & Mosquera, M. (1997). A Hominid from the Lower Pleistocene of Atapuerca, Spain: Possible Ancestor to Neandertals and Modern Humans. Science 276, 1392-5. • Carbonell, E. & Vaquero, M., eds. (1996). The Last Neandertals - The First Anatomically Modern Humans. Cultural Change and Human Evolution: The Crisis at 40 Ka BP: Ed. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona. • Carbonell, E., Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Arsuaga, J.L., Díez, J.C., Rosas, A., Cuenca-Bescos, G., Sala, R., Mosquera, M. & Rodriguez, X.P. (1995). Lower Pleistocene Hominids and Artifacts from Atapuerca-TD6 (Spain). Science 269, 826-832. • Castro-Curel, Z. & Carbonell, E. (1995). Wood Pseudomorphs From Level I at Abric Romaní, Barcelona, Spain. J. of Field Archaeol. 22, 376-84. • Carbonell, E., Giralt, S. & Vaquero, M. (1994). Abric Romani (Capellades, Barcelone, Espagne): Une importante séquence anthropisée du Pléistocene Supérieur. Bull. de la Soc. Préhist. Franç. 91, 47-55. • Carbonell, E. & Rodriguez, X.P. (1994). Early Middle Pleistocene deposits and artefacts in the Gran Dolina site (TD4) of the 'Sierra de Atapuerca' (Burgos, Spain). J. of Human Evol. 26, 291-311.